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✧ Quartz, Quartz and More Quartz ✦

Pure quartz, more commonly known as 'clear' quartz, is colourless and see-through for the most part. With it having a value of 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness, it has been widely used for traditional hardstone carvings and is one of the most used crystals in jewellery and decorative objects. As impurities arise and environments change, the colour of the quartz will change. This is the cause for the multiple different types of colours that quarts can come in. There are even variations of opaqueness and colour vividity within these types of quartz. Common coloured varieties include citrine, rose quartz, amethyst, smoky quartz, and milky quartz.

Clear Quartz

As clear quartz is the base for so many other stones and crystals, it is a great all-rounder that can help you in

many situations. This is partly due to the fact that it connects to all the chakras and

your aura. It is great at absorbing, storing and regulating the energy around you

wherever you are. This is why it should definitely be a part of your healing and

spiritual growth. When you feel you need to do a balancing ritual, definitely include

his beneficial stone. 


It is considered to be the 'light bringer' and is supposed to be one of the purest 

forms of quartz. For this reason, it aids in ridding your body of toxins and negativity

while stimulating extremely positive vibes and giving your soul a new sense of

purpose. It can shield you in many ways, not only spiritually but mentally and

physically. For example, it can get your immune system back on track and help in a weight loss journey. 

To charge this crystal you can put it into the light of a full moon and let it sit in it for a while. To keep it

working hard, cleansing it with a smudging ritual will mean you can continue to use it.


Amethyst is a form of quartz that ranges from a bright vivid violet to a dark or dull lavender shade. It

derives its colour from traces of iron in its structure. It works mostly with the Third Eye and Crown chakras, so

work with this stone when you feel you need a little bit of work in these areas. The Third Eye provides peaceful energy and can aid you in developing your psychic abilities. Meditate with Amethyst around you for this! Crown work brings on tranquillity and focus. It can heal you so that you can zone in on a personal connection to the divine. It's also good at allowing spiritual assistance to access you if you perform Reiki or pranic healing. 

It is a great assistant for those times you need to calm your mind and spirit for a moment. It protects you 

from negativity that may be making you unwell such as insomnia, nightmares or stress. It has soothing abilities and so can help you balance your mood swings to dispel any fear, anger and anxiety. Another way it is said to help is the idea that it purifies your blood and aids your general metabolism, reducing all sorts of pain you may experience.

Blue Quartz

Blue Quartz healing crystals are said to be associated with the

Throat chakra and are therefore able to assist in communication. This

means that you can break down barriers and find it easier to reach out

to others. It is said to alleviate fear and assist in self-expression. It is a 

good uplifting stone that aids in easing depression and instead provides

hope, peace and happiness. Not only that, but it allows you to take the 

time to reflect on things and your situation, promoting truth and 

transparency in everything you say and do. Also, it is known to cleanse

the aura and clear tough energy blockages while you can connect with higher realms and angels. This is also a good organisational stone, which brings self-discipline and conviction. Wearing this stone can help you carry a sense of calmness and well-being. To keep up the positivity, make sure you charge it in sunlight.

Dumortierite quartz

While this is technically just a form of blue quartz, I thought I would give

it its own section because it is a very good stone to use and is one of the rarer versions of quartz. Inclusions of the mineral dumortierite within quartz pieces often result in silky-appearing splotches with a blue hue. Grey parts are also usually present and purple is a possibility. 

Dumortierite is believed to be "The stone of Patience" and is great for

self-reliance, orderliness and discipline. The stone is said to be for promoting insight and aiding memory. This is because it is said to be connected to the

Third Eye chakra and has the ability to enhance brain power. It will give you sharper intellectual skills and will help you become more perceptive. If you feel yourself being unable to study properly, get this stone on your desk!


Citrine is a variety of quartz whose colour ranges from pale yellow

to brown. A natural citrine will have a cloudy or smoky appearance. The

name is from the Latin word 'citrina' which means "yellow" and is also

the origin of the word "citron". It has been referred to as the "merchant's

stone" or "money stone", due to the idea that it brings prosperity. You 

can use this to manifest abundance, wealth and prosperity. It 

also encourages happiness, joy and very positive vibes. Protection from

negativity is another advantage that this stone will give you. You will be

to have the space to activate your intuition and boost your self-esteem 

and confidence. This stone will give you inner strength and instil power in you. The chakras it is associated with are the Solar Plexus and Crown. 

Milky quartz

Milk or milky quartz is the most common variety of quartz. The white colour is

caused by minute fluid inclusions of gas, liquid, or both, trapped during crystal formation. This stone is a very powerful cleanser, meaning you can start looking at the world with a fresh perspective and a positive outlook. It cleanses your aura and allows you to have a clean slate. In addition, it can alleviate your stress and resolve any negativity in your life, protecting your aura from any further pain. 

Rose quartz

Rose quartz is a type of quartz that has a pale pink to rose red

hue. The chakra it is aligned to is the heart and is said to provide

universal and unconditional love. It can help with your feminity

and compassion. There is gentle energy in this stone that supports

and rekindles relationships. Passion is brought out of you when

you surround yourself with this stone so you are able to have

enhanced intimacy. It awakens sensual creativity and allows you

to explore your fantasies as it is a powerful aphrodisiac. It will

also empty your heart of negativity and unblock it from suppressed

emotions you may be feeling.

 A fun fact about this lovely stone is that it is said to have formed from the time Aphrodite's blood dropped

onto a quartz stone when she scratched herself on a bush trying to save her love from war. Another origin story is that they are supposed to be gifts from Cupid and Eros to sow love and hope.

Smoky quartz

Smoky quartz is a grey, translucent version that ranges from almost complete transparency to a brownish-

grey crystal that is virtually opaque. As it is linked to the lower chakras, it has great grounding abilities and is capable of raising vibrations during meditation. With it opening up your root chakra, it can help you in balancing yourself while you ground yourself to Earth and become more levelheaded. If you feel yourself mentally wandering too much, then use this stone either as jewellery or in your meditation. It can give you a sense of purpose again and enhance your will to its full potential. This stone will simply dissolve the negativity in your life and allow you to become more fulfilling in yourself, spiritually and mentally.

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