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Spell Bottles

Creating spell bottles can be an amazing way to get the results you

want. Having a physical representation of a spell can be a good

way to focus on your intentions so that the energy behind it is

heightened. Keep in mind, however, that I am coming from a white

magick point of view. This means it really is about what you put

into it. You are trying to gently push the universe in the direction

you want to gain a good outcome, so don't expect anything if you

are not putting the effort into it! 

Before I even thought about making a spell bottle, I researched for

hours and hours to gain any sort of knowledge I could. One of the main reasons I wanted to start doing these was because I thought of them as an easy and quick way to perform magick. Also, as a baby witch, I felt comfortable doing something like this as I did not feel advanced enough for bigger things. So, in my opinion, this is a great way to start working on your spirituality and begin your magickal practices.


When making your spell bottle, one of the main things I advise you to do is to keep your mind clear and calm, only focusing on the outcome you want from it. Some ways to do this are meditation, deep breathing, or cleansing in any way you like. Anything it takes for you to get into a positive place. If you are unable to do this, it is unwise to complete one as it could backfire or end up giving you the wrong outcome.


How To:

  • Start by setting your intentions. Keep your mind clear, focusing on what you want from this. Remember to breathe calmly throughout. If it helps, repeat an incantation, mantra or spell as you go through. You can use one you made up or find one online or in books.

  • Firstly, cleanse the bottle. I use the smoke from a simple match stick and hold the bottle over so that the smoke can fill it. However, cleanse in any way you feel best.

  • Then, put the base salt in first as I believe this really helps to ground the spell. Watch out as it can be messy!

  • Next, start adding the rest of the ingredients. This part is completely up to you, it does not have to be in any certain way. Pop the cork in once you’ve finished.

  • Add the charm to the twine and begin wrapping it around the top, still focusing on your intentions. The pentacle is for protection against any evil trying to interfere with the ritual but also to ground it into reality, as it is related to the Earth element.

  • You can leave it like this or you can use the candle to candle to melt wax on top. This will fully seal your spell and, for me at least, adds that extra kick. While this is not a necessary step to completing a spell bottle, I find it helps me finish the whole process and tie it together. The process of burning the candle and letting the wax drip over the bottle is a nice calming way to finish it.



A prosperity spell bottle was the first one I ever created to help me on my magickal journey. It was supposed to help me prosper and gain good things from the universe. Now, I can only talk about my experiences from doing this, I cannot claim that also doing this bottle will get you the same results. However, after doing this little ritual I gained great results. Not too long after, I was finally offered the promotion at my job that I had been wanting since last year. This meant a pay rise and the extra hours I had been hoping for. I really couldn't have asked for a better outcome.


                                                                Himalayan / rose salt - purifies and cleanses

                                                                Green aventurine - prosperity, confidence, good fortune and luck,                                                                     bring success

                                                                Green candle - growth and personal goals, monetary success

                                                                Basil - promotes wealth business success

                                                                Fennel seeds - brings positivity/ prosperity while warding off evil

                                                                Chamomile - brings money and certain success

                                                                Comfrey - great for money spells

                                                                Linseed / Flax seeds - will ward off poverty and protect against                                                                         hostile magick

Another bottle I have done is a protection spell which can be seen below and to the right. The ritual itself is pretty much exactly the same and I follow the same process. However, the majority of the supplies I used were different. I needed herbs and crystals that were good for protection and banishment. This is the same for the candle I used as black wax is especially for protecting the magick user. After doing this

one, I found that my life changed for the better, Things that seemed bad

at the time were actually done for the benefit and protection of my

mental well-being in the long run. I am in a much better mindset and I

feel the positivity coming into my life more than before I practised



Black candle - binding, repels negativity

Black salt - banishment and protection from evil spirits

Basil - good protective herb

Bay leaf - cuts out hexes, protects from black magick

Rosemary - purifies by removing negativity from your life

Vervain - protection and purifying

Black tourmaline - blocks attacks and negativity from others, very


Clear quartz - regulates energy release, rids toxins, is a good shield and cleanser


At the end of the day, spell bottles can be done for anything. As long as you have your intentions set clearly and know what you want, you are basically all set. What I use may be different to the next magickal user but we could get the same results. While things are usually kept to specific ideas and uses, other formations of herbs, crystals, stones and liquids can be done. It's totally up to you!


So, have fun, always keep an open mind and please stay safe!


P.S. If you're unsure where to start, check out the spell kits I have put together and sell on my Etsy store. They are really straightforward and everything you need will be in the kit. So far, I have protection and prosperity kits available to buy. They have both given me great results and I hope they can do the same for you.

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