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Candle Magick!🕯

Candle magick is probably the most used practice in witchcraft. Not only is it simple to do, but it's believed to be incredibly powerful and useful. This practice has been around for a long time and is seen even in everyday life, such as blowing out birthday candles. So if you're looking to delve into magick and are not sure where to start or what tools to use, maybe candles are the way for you!


Using candles in your rituals is an amazing way to get your intentions out and attract or repel whatever you want. There are multiple ways to do this and it is believed that different colours can help with separate things. Dressing your candle is also a great way to instil your intention in your ritual and receive the goal of your spell.


Some practitioners want to bring all the elements together when they're using candle rituals. Dressing your candle allows this. The oil you rub into it represents water. The herbal use is the earth. The air is what feeds your flame, and the fire is (clearly) the fire element. However, there's a simple way to look at the candle's elements without the extra bits. It's that the melted wax is water and the hard wax is the earth while the same stays for the fire of the flame and the air to feed it.

Candle magick is also not only all about pillar candles. You can use ones in a jar, wax on top of a burner and tealights. It's up to you how you would like to use them. For example, I make my own jarred candles that I infuse with the same herbs I would use in other rituals such as spell bottles. This means that, when I need it, the spell is ready to go or even able to continue manifesting in the background as I am doing other things.

How to Dress Your Candle:
Step 1: What are you doing this for?
  • You need to set your intentions before anything!

  • Be clear about what you want to happen from doing this ritual. Try to be as specific as you can.

Step 2: Which candle?
  • Time to pick your candle.

  • Choose whichever resonates with you or you feel is required for your spell.

Step 3: Focus & Cleanse
  • Clear your mind and only think about your goal with the candle during this part.

  • Wave incense or sage smoke around yourself.

  • Use moonlight.

  • Bury in sea salt and wait for 24 hours.

  • Splash the candle with alcohol or holy water.

Step 4: Dress Your Candle
  • (Optional) Carve or write words/symbols onto your candle. What to possibly put on your candle: protection, security, money symbol.

  • Rub protection oil on your hands and onto the candle. If you want to attract something, rub it towards you only. If you want to repel something, rub it away from you.

  • Lastly, roll your candle in your herb blend.

Step 5: All done!
  • Complete your ritual!

  • (Some practitioners like to surround themselves or just the candle to help deflect that negative energy!)




Unsure What Candle to Use?

Candle magick can be used with a simple white candle. As long as your intention is clear and strong, you don't really need anything else. However, there is a belief that colour can help with the spell. Personally, I like to use different colours that associate/feel connected to the reason I am doing the spell. Read below to see what each colour can be linked to.



As you probably remember from English class, red can be seen as a passionate and strong colour. When using this type of candle, I think of sexual relationships and lust. It helps with courage and confidence, giving me the willpower I need. It is the candle I use when I think I need to feel more empowered about something. Also, using these in rituals about certain situations can bring back my control. Sometimes when you lose control and think things are going a bit crazy, red candles will definitely help you.

  • Passion, sex, lust.

  • Courage, confidence, strength, willpower.

  • To take control over situations e.g. relationships, and personal growth.

  • To feel empowered.


Pink candles are the softer side of red. These are to be used for love and romance. When you feel you need a bit more affection or intimacy in your life, light up a pink candle. Doing this can make your relationships start to blossom and flourish. If you are completing a ritual about someone you love dearly, these are the ones to use. These are also great for when you want to bring peace and harmony to conflicts and feuds.

  • Romance, unconditional love, self-love, affection, harmony, healing.

  • Thinking of someone you love deeply.

  • Can bring peace to conflicts and feuds.


Having trouble with something legal? Well, it's said that orange candles will help you towards the outcome you want. Personally, I have never tried this, so don't take this as the complete truth! This help stimulates rituals and attracts the end goal you want. They produce more lively energy and a drive to complete tasks.

  • Success, stimulation, attraction.

  • Help in legal matters.

  • When needing motivation or drive to complete tasks.

  • More lively energy is needed.



These are primarily used to bring calmness to situations and create a 'bubble' of healing. Light blue helps with communication and forgiveness. Dark blue helps with psychic awareness and can even help you remember your dreams.

  • Healing, health, calmness.

  • Light: communication, forgiveness.

  • Dark: psychic awareness, dreams.



Black candles are not the bad and scary things that the media have made them out to be! They actually have great outcomes when used in rituals. However, they are said to be binding so please make sure you are certain of your intentions! They banish negativity and are a great protective tool. Using black candles is a great way to keep yourself and others around you safe. A great way they do this is by absorbing any hexes or negative spells made and held against you. An additional outcome of using black candles is that they can help you cut out bad habits that are harmful or situations that are no longer serving you.

  • Banishing negativity and protection.

  • Safety, binding, decreasing spells effect on you.

  • Stopping unhealthy habits or situations.



If you feel you want your life to prosper a bit more, then green candles may be the one to use. It is said these are good for bringing in money and abundance spells. They could help your luck with money or by helping you / your business grow. These candles are good at attracting things in your life. On a more natural side, green witches may use these to connect with the earth's energy and attract plant growth. They are helpful to heal from things. Another use for these could be to help fertility.

  • Prosperity, money, luck, growth.

  • Fertility, healing, attracting, earth energy.

  • Abundance spells.



Some magickal users believe that white candles can be used in place of any colour candles, which is fine! However, for me personally, I find them to have their own meaning like the others. They are good for new beginnings and protecting them, making them suitable for house-clearing rituals. Doing this when moving into a new home will help protect the home right from the start. I believe there's a purity to white candles and, with them being a 'clear' colour, I feel they help show the truth.

  • Purity, peace, truth.

  • New beginnings and protection.

  • House clearing rituals.

  • More positivity.



Yellow candles are all about the brightness in your life. Light one of these up when you're feeling down in the dumps and you should be getting that joy back in no time. If a situation isn't going great, lighting a yellow candle is great at shedding light on it and changing its direction. Having one of them lit while studying is a good way to help you stay alert and maintain energy. They will help you work your creativity bone and make your intelligence shine through.

  • Joy, happiness, alertness.

  • Creativity, intelligence, manifesting, energy.

  • A good one to burn while studying!


Purple candles are great when meditating if you want to open your third eye and exercise it more. These help you with your spiritual power and wisdom. They offer you tranquillity when you want to deepen your knowledge and psychic abilities. Specifically, dark purple candles can help enhance your magickal powers when you're casting spells or completing rituals. Light purples are for healing and more love spells. Use these when you are having a bit of self-pampering time!

  • Spiritual power, wisdom, tranquillity, psychic power, and divination.

  • Opening your third eye.

  • Dark: enhancing your magickal powers and spell casting.

  • Light: healing and love spells.

One piece of advice: if you cannot leave your candle to burn, do not blow it out as your spell may be broken! Try to snuff it out another safe way.


To sum up, candle magick is great for all! Whether you are on a budget or just want to complete a quick and simple ritual/spell, candle magick is amazing. It's powerful and can help with so many aspects of your life.


Thank you for reading and please do your research before practising witchcraft! But also remember that it is unique. You can take and leave whatever you want.


Have a great day :) 🦇

Where you can buy some candles: 

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