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✧ Good Ol' Amethyst ✦

Let's be honest, Amethyst is probably the most popular crystal out there. It is everywhere these days. But I am not complaining at all! It's a beautiful crystal that can really help you out when you need it. With it ranging from a rich deep violet to a light pastel purple, it is a gorgeous and lovely stone to keep around you. With its name being derived from the Greek word améthystos, which means to be 'not intoxicated' or simply to be 'sober' and clear of mind, it really does what it says on the tin. So to speak. It helps you keep an unclouded view and stay focused on your goals.

                                                                                         I have written this post that includes pretty                                                                                            much everything I have found on the crystal                                                                                           Amethyst. All the research I have done will                                                                                           be below and I hope even one piece of

 information helps you in your journey.



                                                                                          So, first things first, the chakras are most

 associated with amethyst. The Third Eye ( Ajna) is highly connected to it which assists

in developing your psychic abilities. It has natural peaceful energy meaning that it can really open up your Third Eye during meditation. I would really recommend having some amethyst around you while meditating as it can really get your spirituality up and running. The other chakra most associated with amethyst is the Crown (Sahasrara). This helps you really focus on your personal healing and reach the tranquillity in life that you want. Another way this assists your Crown chakra is by opening it in a way that helps your connection to the divine.


Things Amethyst is Good For

Amethyst is amazing when it comes to assisting in practising your energy work. Healing and cleansing work is helped greatly by this crystal, such as Reiki and Pranic. Using this crystal during these can give you spiritual assistance and aid in your higher awakening. While allowing you to grow spiritually, it will also protect you from any outside influences or negativity. Any evil thoughts that try to worm their way in can be blocked when this crystal is around.

Fortunately, the protection can go even further

than that. It can keep those nasty nightmares away

and makes sure that insomnia is kept at bay. This

is because it relieves stress and soothes any

irritation, simply calming the mind and soul. So I

would really recommend keeping some under

your pillow or next to your bed. The effects of

sleeping continue as it makes it easier for you to

remember your dreams and easily understand

what they could be trying to tell you. Your

intuition can be enhanced greatly when keeping amethyst around you.

Following on from the meaning of the word being 'sober', it is great to have around while you're working. Keeping some on your desk can really get you in the right mindset for finishing that project or essay. Not only will it get you to the finish line, but it can also get you kickstarted. Amethyst is like a catalyst when it comes to getting you inspired to start.


Physical Benefits

Amethyst is also great for your physical well-being. It's good for your general metabolism and bringing your body to balance. It can assist you in the regulation of your hormones. Furthermore, it can help in reducing pain and purifying your blood so that you can feel at your best at all times.


Star Sign

This gorgeous crystal is the birthstone for those born between January 20th and February 18th. The star sign is Aquarius and is ruled by the planet Uranus. If you fall into this time then you are said to be a free-spirited and natural leader that can focus on the bigger picture. This is why amethyst will be a great addition to your life as it can help you stay attentive and open-minded to the world around you.


Keeping Your Amethyst Ready

Charging and cleaning your crystal is essential in making sure you keep the great energies up and running. You can both charge and clean it by putting it in some salt inside of a pot for a bit. Another way (which is probably my favourite) is to place it under direct sunlight to let it absorb all the natural and positive energy from the sun.

If you decide to use water please be careful as this can damage the stone. After using water, use a towel to dry it off so that it's not sat in the wet for too long. Another warning I have is if you do decide to use sunlight, please remember to take them out of it after a bit. Keeping amethyst directly under the sun can also make the colour fade over time.

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Image by J Yeo
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